This is one of the first occasions on which a private Italian gallery has succeeded in doing justice to this artist and his complex and dazzling artistry.
The exhibition consists of a notable twenty-four works which vary greatly in both their form and materials, but not, however, in the tension and force which they generate.
The installation will not only be situated in the traditional gallery space on the second floor but also on the first floor the usual home of the gallery offices.
The powerful focal point of the exhibition consists of certain recurrent motifs that characterize the work of Kiefer.
Across the end of the gallery, the artist has placed a large (320 x 442 x 167 cm) grey lead aircraft meaningfully entitled "Melancholia" (1991) and a large vertical work "Elizabeth of Austria" (1991-92).
From this nucleus comes a path that takes the spectator to the first floor in search of the other components which form the disquieting, suggestive "planet Kiefer". A world inhabited by objects and passions, by bookcases and aircraft; by lead and colors that deeply wound and by terrible memories and sudden prospectives of things to come.
Mostra personale
Anselm Kiefer

Photo Gallery

Anselm Kiefer was born in 1945 in Donaueschingen, Germany; he lives and works in Paris. Solo exhibition has been dedicated to Anselm Kiefer since the beginning of his carrier by prestigious museums among which: Kunsthalle, Bern (1978); Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (1979); Groniger Museum, Gronigen (1980); Museum Folkwang, Essen (1981);